We are committed to deliver only the best to our clients.

Why Us

We have a simple business philosophy – highest quality inputs lead to best quality output. And for us customer is the king, any probable alteration demanded by them will be taken care of. We will be gladly taking charge of our duty to provide a bespoke product requirement. It is the above philosophy and thought that has helped us create a reputation of being world-class manufacturer and a reliable supplier of international-grade bleached instead of medical cotton to B2B healthcare consumers across the world.

Reasons to choose us as your supplier:

Very Low Material Liquor Ratio as 1:2.2, which make us very strong competitor in market.

Environment friendly process- due to low MLR the consumption of water & energy is always less

Reduced reagent consumption (caustic/alkaline solutions, hydrogen peroxide, softener, …) whose consumption is directly linked to water consumption

Material movement without hand touching Continuous line from wet cake opener to bale press (1st Plant in INDIA)

Very High absorbency Lowest sinking time in industry

Environment friendly process- due to low MLR the consumption of water & energy is always less

Continuous Hydro –Extractor provide us the edge to supply Homogenous % Moisture content in dry bleached cotton bale

A laboratory section built with gadgets, apparatus and tools resulting in meticulous results.

Ultra-modern and state-of-the-art manufacturing plant facilities.

Trained and skilled manpower at every step of value-addition.

A contemporary and independent Research and Development unit has been set up.e

All processes monitored by a highly-trained team at our R & D and Innovation Lab

A Dedicated and experienced management team.

Capable of making timely deliveries to global clients.

Excellent track-record of delivering locally and globally on-time, every time.

Armed with all the vital components in the kitty and a positive learning attitude in place our aim is to expand and grow into the worldwide market place.